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Carsten Iversen
35 86 51 05

Ronni Jaqué
35 86 51 07


Atlas Mercury 138mm Anamorphic Prime – Metric Scale

  • Full-frame sensor coverage with 1.5x anamorphic coefficient
  • Aperture range from T2.6 - T16
  • Lightweight and compact at half the size and weight of most pro anamorphic lenses
  • Exceptional optical performance with vintage geometric personality
  • Golden flares, pleasing barrel distortion, near-zero chromatic aberration
  • Standardized gears and diameters with 95mm front diameter
  • Arri PL mount

The Atlas Lens Co. Mercury series lenses are now open for preorders.
Preorder deposits are DKK 9.000 + Moms pr. Lens. - Please contact us for more information.

More personality and zero compromises

Mercury goes wherever your stories take you. Mercury Series feature full-frame coverage, a 1.5x squeeze ratio with enhanced bokeh, a dynamic geometric optical personality and warm vintage tones -- all at half the size and weight of most pro anamorphic lenses.

Full-Frame Anamorphic

Mercury Series features full-frame coverage, a 1.5x squeeze ratio with enhanced bokeh, a significant reduction in physical size and weight, a more dynamic geometric optical personality, and warmer vintage tones than the Atlas Orion Series – all while providing the same modern, mechanical conveniences demanded by professionals.
Imaging area of 36.7mm x 25.54mm covers full-frame sensors as well as 16:9 / 3:2 / 4:3 sensors, with easy delivery to 2:1 / 2.25:1 / 2.66:1 / 2.4:1. 1.5x

Anamorphic Coefficient

In addition to the ease of supporting multiple delivery aspects, the Mercury Series 1.5x optical design allows for many of the visual characteristics image-makers love about the traditional 2x cinemascope format (oblong oval bokeh, barrel distortion, shallow depth of field) while also allowing for a meaningful size and weight reduction in the overall physical product design. This results in an ideal balance of compact size, weight, optical performance, and professional-focused usability across a variety of production

Optical Personality

Mercury Series features an exceptional optical performance with character, color, and clarity while embracing the geometric personality of vintage front


Pleasing barrel distortion (more so than Orion Series), painterly oval bokeh, and dynamic golden streak flares with the added benefits of zero mumping, excellent close-focus, and near-zero chromatic aberration.

Lightweight and Compact

Half the size and weight of most pro anamorphic lenses.

Versatile and Easy to Use

Mercury’s robust, reliable mechanical design emphasizes professional usability with many on-set conveniences that come standard with all Atlas lenses.
Arri PL mount makes it at home on professional cinema cameras as well as any mirrorless prosumer camera via PL adapter. Unified focus and iris position makes switching focal lengths on set quick and easy. Standardized gears and 95mm outer diameter allows for native use with various matte boxes and filters.

Mercury 138mm Technical Specs:

  • T-Stop Range: T2.6 - T16
  • Minimum Focus: 1.2 m
  • Weight: 2.1 kg
  • Length: 20.5 cm
  • Front Diameter: 95 mm
  • Horizontal Field-Of-View: 23°
  • Iris: 14 Blade


Producent Atlas Lens Co.
Kategori Objektiv
Objektiv type Prime
Brændvidde type Tele
Objektiv mount PL (Possitive Lock)
Fullframe Ja
Intern fokus Ja
Maks synsvinkel 23°
Nærgrænse 120 CM
Blændelameller 14 stk.
Største blænde T2.2
Mindste blænde T16
Brændvidde 138 mm
Diameter 95 MM
Længde 205 MM
Vægt 2100 G