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Henrik Duus Preuss


Cinestill DF96 Developer and Fix B/W Monobath

  • Processing for traditional B/W film in 1 bath
  • Reusable, all-in-one solution
  • Processes over 16+ rolls of film (1000 ml)
  • Process 1-8 rolls at a time
  • Extremely versatile self-completing process
  • No special processor needed (use standard processing tanks and reels)
  • Fully archival
  • Odor-free
  • Economical

The single-step solution is now available in powder concentrate or ready-to-use liquid. 
Processing all of your B&W film at home is easier than ever with this magical and versatile Single-Step BW “Developer-Fix” monobath solution, akin to D96 motion picture developer but with no need for stop bath, fixer, or any other chemicals, is perfect for processing CineStill BwXX along with any other black & white film. 

No special charts, timers or apps needed. Just a processing tank and water.
Fool-proof, self-completing process that guarantees motion picture quality, the smoothest grain structure and crisp tonal curve. 
Flexible processing in 3-6 minutes at any room temperature.
Just wash with water and hang to dry. No more complicated measurements or strict margins to deal with. Process all your black and white films in one chemical with absolutely wonderful results!

Development is increased more than fixing by temperature. Fixing and completion is accelerated by agitation, while decreasing development. Processing over 82°F (28°C) will result in pushed negatives with higher contrast and more pronounced grain. 
Below 68°F (20°C) renders pulled contrast negatives

  • Temp tolerance is +/-2°F (1°C)
  • Push / Pull processing by adjusting temp. +/- 10°F (6°C)
  • Room temperature processing methods for 68-82°F (20-28°C)
  • Worlds fastest process at 80°F (27°C) in just 3min



Producent CineStill
Kategori Kemi