65.620,00 DKK OutOfStock

Carsten Iversen
35 86 51 05

Jakob Worre
35 86 51 42

Ronni Jaqué
35 86 51 07


DZOfilm Catta Ace Kit 18-35mm T2.9 / 70-135mm T2.9 Black PL / EF Mount

  • Maintains focus throughout the zoom range
  • Natural Color Rendering
  • Covers full-frame sensors
  • 16-Bladed iris for soft, creamy bokeh
  • Interchangeable bayonet
  • 270° Focus Rotation

Catta Ace series

A light, compact and versatile series of lenses, that was designed to explore endless possibilities when shooting. With the increase of the full frame format in cinema, the Catta Zoom lenses aims to meet the current market’s demand by offering compatibility with larger format cameras such as the latest Red V-raptor 8K.

Golden focal Lengths

The third installation of DZOfilm’s zoom series offers coverage of core focal lengths to offer flexibility in diverse shooting setups. With the 18-35mm, 35-80mm and 70-135mm lengths, shooters can be sure to create cinematic footage without sacrificing time in lens changes.

Lightweight design

18-35mm T2.9: 1850g | 70-135mm T2.9: 1710g

To achieve our lightest ever weight, DZOfilm used polycarbonate and glass fibre when creating the shell. These cinema zoom lenses would be a great choice for live shows, documentaries, vehicle mounting and gun operation as well as in independent cinema. This is largely due to its precise parfocal design and easy application with gimbals such as the Ronin RS3 and Crane 3s. As a result, these lenses are perfect for applications involving rapid movement.

Round bokeh and fine details

The aperture consists of a diaphragm of 16 blades ranging from T/2.9-T/22. As a result, the Catta lenses produce round and smooth bokeh with a natural transition of image. The incredibly close focal distance enables users to shoot clear details and characteristics of the subject, with an admirable depth of field. 

Authentic colour reproduction

The Catta zooms are inspired by the design philosophy of a natural, original and real look. As a result, these lenses reproduce the real world onto a full frame sensor. By reflecting the realistic, the post-production process is eased for creativity rather than correction. 

Better breathing control than ever

Staying consistent, the latest addition to the DZOfilm family offers minimal breathing. With the Catta range, you notice a better performance when racking focus as the breathing has been rendered invisible. Take your focus off the focus and prioritise composition when shooting, as the edge of frame remains consistent. 

Aesthetically designed with industry standards in mind

The specifications and craftmanship are completely based on the unified standards of cinema-grade lenses. The manual focus range of 270º gives users a precise operating experience with a smooth glide.
The mechanical and optical construction of these two lenses are identical, incorporating a perfect combination of wide angle and telephoto glass. This lack of difference offers perfect articulation. 

Seek for more possibility

Interchangeable mount system compatible with PL, EF and LPL mounts, provides more possibility of shooting videos and a much wider compatibility with different popular camera systems.


  • T-Stop: T2.9 – T22
  • Optical Construction: 20 elements in 14 groups
  • Close Focus: 0,51m
  • Iris Control: 77°
  • Focus Control: 270°
  • Iris Blades: 16
  • Gear Pitch: 0.8 Mod
  • Weight: 1532g


  • T-Stop: T2.9 – T22
  • Optical Construction: 17 elements in 11 groups
  • Close Focus: 0,76m
  • Iris Control: 80°
  • Focus Control: 270°
  • Iris Blades: 16
  • Gear Pitch: 0.8 Mod
  • Weight: 1597g


Producent DZO Film
Kategori Objektiv
Objektiv type Zoom
Objektiv mount EF (Canon),PL (Possitive Lock)
Kompatible mounts E (Sony),FE (Sony),RF (Canon)
Fullframe Ja
Billedestabilisator Nej
Autofokus Nej
Vejrbestandig Ja
Blændelameller 16 stk.
Største blænde T2,9
Mindste blænde T22
Diameter 80 MM
Filter diameter 77 mm