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Carsten Iversen
35 86 51 05

Morten H. Vorsaa
35 86 51 41

Ronni Jaqué
35 86 51 07


Edelkrone SliderONE Motorized V3

  • Compact Motorized Camera Slider with ultra quiet operation
  • Remote control via Edelkrone app from phone, tablet, watch or mac
  • Can be hand-controlled to easily set keyposes
  • Can be easily programmed for motion time-lap
  • Tap directly on SliderONE's body to set speed and poses, start motion without app or buttons

Shoot captivating cinematic footage wherever you want with the ultra portable, motorized backpack slider.

What's new with v3:

  • Allows hand-control to set keyposes
  • Can slide 2x faster
  • Coming soon: Tap directly on SliderONE's body to set speed and poses, then start the motion without the need for buttons or the app.
  • When set up at an incline, auto-disables hand-control to increase vertical carrying capacity

Allows hand-control to set keyposes

Manual control gives an unprecedented speed and ease to your workflow and makes the entire process much more intuitive.

Remotely control with the edelkrone App

To control from a phone, tablet, watch or Mac (with M processor) use edelkrone App.

TapMove (Coming soon)

Tap directly on SliderONE's body to set speed and poses, then start the motion without the need for buttons or the app.

Quick filming like never before

SliderONE's lightweight design and hand-control ability enables swift transitions between angles, subjects and locations, ensuring you can maximize your shooting potential in minimal time.

Vertical and angled slides

SliderONE lets you capture footage with your camera lifting vertically or at inclined angles, adding a dynamic touch to your shots. Whether you're aiming for a dramatic rise or a unique perspective, SliderONE gives it.

Macro precise

SliderONE provides the necessary smoothness for macro shots and perfect steady speed control throughout the whole slide thanks to its flawless mechanical design.

Super easy time-lapse programming

Setting up a motion time-lapse is the easiest with edelkrone App. In your time-lapse videos, you can have a simple transition between two keyposes or you can convert a recorded complex camera motion into a time-lapse with a single button.

Edelkrone app

The edelkrone App stands out as a comprehensive and intuitive control platform, designed to seamlessly and wirelessly control all edelkrone devices from both Apple and Android devices.

Add the optional FlexTILT for instant framing & balancing

Unlike any other camera head, the optional FlexTILT Head gives you the chance to adjust your camera’s front-back balance no matter what your tilting angle is. The FlexTILT Head also gives you height adjustment. It is a great companion to SliderONE especially when you are using it directly on ground without a tripod.

Add the optional StandONE to get low on any surface

StandONE is an ultra portable (foldable) and ultra durable stand that will let you position anything you attach to it on any surface. The flexible leg design will let you angle SliderONE on various inclines steadily.


Producent Edelkrone
Kategori Slider
Maks last 9 KG
Vægt 1.1 KG
Materiale CNC machined aluminum and stainles steel
Længde 27 CM